Charmed! Dispute! Matchmaking elemination method is getting more exciting!

Hi everyone,

It's been a while but I have finally made some progress for CYCE.

This time I added a new mechanic during Matchmaking actions:

Dispute! and Charmed!

Let me explain them briefly.

  • Dispute! is pretty difficult to get, the current rival and the current love partner must have low Sanity and low compatibility to increase the chance to trigger. When a dispute occurs, the love meter will reduce and the Sanity of the two characters will increase. You loose progress while this event trigger but during the next date, the previous lost point with this rival will be restored to your progress. All the negatives points are stored, so it's cumulative with previous dispute so you actually gain more points that way! It's risky but can be worth it in the long run. Quite difficult to set up correctly honestly.
  • Charmed! is more easier and quite the opposite of Dispute. It will occurs randomly when the two characters have high sanity and high compatibility. You'll loose some sanity but you will be able to gain love meter very quickly during this action. To gain those points, you need to pick the right answer from three differennt choice. One will give you 100% of the point, one will give you 50% and the last one will give you 0% of additional points. 

For now, only Osana have dialogues.

I added routines for Shozo and Yuna. You will be able to see them at the school.

I rework the intro a bit, it's not finished. I wll add more to it in the next update.

I reworked the little events for changing weapon and underwears.

Well, with all this info, I hope you get a better idea of what's going on.

Thank you for your attention

See you soon!

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